Blogs > Cliopatria > Wednesday Notes

Jul 11, 2007

Wednesday Notes

Among the Blogs:
  • The blog empire of Joshua Micah Marshall continues to grow. Have a look at the new format at his Talking Points Memo.

  • Brandon Watson's"Needle-Finding in Ever Larger Haystacks," Siris, 10 July, responds to Tim Burke's"Ubiquitous Information and History," Cliopatria, 10 July.

  • If you've enjoyed the many conversations between Tim and his conservative interrogator, Withywindle, at Easily Distracted, you'll be glad to know that W/w has opened his own blog, Athens & Jerusalem, in defense of Western Civilization. Still, you have to wonder about the highmindedness of anyone who includes Michelle Malkin on his blogroll.
  • Chaohua Wang,"Diary," LRB, 5 July, remembers the 18th anniversary of Tiananmen Square. In 1989, she was a member of the standing committee of the Beijing Autonomous Association of College Students and on the Chinese government's most-wanted list.

    David Rosenthal,"Why the Left is right," The Scotsman, 7 July, visits Eric Hobsbawm, who's 90 now. Hat tip.

    Scott McLemee's"The LaRouche Youth Movement," IHE, 11 July, tracks the history of the movement led by Lyndon LaRouche.

    Ann Hornaday,"Waiting for ‘Action!'" Washington Post, 10 July, asks why the great civil rights movement film has not yet been made. The grand saga, something on the scale of"Gone with the Wind" or"Gandhi"? Taylor Branch, Andrew Manis, and others have books just waiting to be optioned.

    Finally, I'm almost never in the same camp with James Dobson and D. James Kennedy, but FIRE and their Alliance Defense Fund's suit against the speech codes at San Francisco State and the Cal State system has my support. Our effort to substitute unconstitutional legal codes for good teaching was clearly mistaken. Hat tip.

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