Blogs > Cliopatria > Friday Notes

Jul 13, 2007

Friday Notes

At Mystery Man on Film, you can download for free the six-hour series on the first twenty years of European cinema,"Cinema Europe: The Other Hollywood," by Kevin Brownlow and David Gill. It covers the silent film era in Scandinavia, Germany, France, and Great Britain. It would be nice to have a supplemental series on the early film industry in southern and eastern Europe. Thanks to Dale Light of Light Seeking Light for the tip.

Michael Beschloss,"The CIA's Missteps, from Past to Present," NYT, 12 July, reviews Tim Weiner's Legacy of Ashes: The History of the C.I.A..

Whether you're a daily kossack or not, take note of the Yearly Kos Convention, which meets in Chicago in early August. A panel on Friday 3 August,"The Arc of Crisis: US Policy in the Middle East and South Asia," is of special interest. Chaired by the University of Michigan's Juan Cole, it includes John Mearsheimer and our colleague, Manan Ahmed, of the University of Chicago.

"... high crimes and misdemeanors ..." apparently means whatever a majority of the House of Representatives and two/thirds of the Senate can agree that it means, but we do appear to have at least one felony.

Finally, maybe you've not heard Dick Cheney's rendition of"Wouldn't it be loverly?" Courtesy of Tenured Radical and Newsday's Walt Handelsman.

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Nonpartisan - 7/13/2007

FYI: another history blogger, Sherman Dorn, will also be serving on a panel at Yearly Kos.