Things Noted Here and There
Dave Meadows' Classicarnival is up at Rogue Classicism.
Alissa de Carbonnel,"Bringing the Past to Life," Moscow Times, 29 June, is an excellent report on a re-enactment of the Battle of Friedland. There, in 1807, Napoleon routed the Russian army. Oleg Sokolov, a St. Petersburg historian of Napoleon's Russian campaign, organized the re-enactment and played the commanding French general. Hat tip.
Josef Joffe,"A Cold Warrior and His Contradictions," WSJ, 6 July, reviews John Lukacs' George Kennan: A Study of Character. Hat tip.
Wil Haygood,"The Man from Jet," Washington Post, 15 July. Simeon Booker reported on the civil rights movement when it wasn't safe to report on the civil rights movement. Thanks to Manan Ahmed for the tip.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown's proposal for a new school curriculum, including a major shift of priorities in history, is controversial. See, for instance: Brown,"We Need a United Kingdom," Telegraph;"The Madness of Brown," Sunday Express; and"Be Brave, Mr. Brown, in the Classroom," Guardian.