Blogs > Cliopatria > Additionally Noted

Jul 18, 2007

Additionally Noted

Four Stone Hearth #19, the anthropology/archaeology festival, is up at Sherd Nerd.

Jason B. Jones,"Impotence: A Review and Interview," PopMatters, 17 July, interviews Angus McLaren and reviews his Impotence: A Cultural History (2007).

Kai Bird and Svetlana Chervonnaya,"The Mystery of Ales," American Scholar, Summer, has re-opened debate about the guilt or innocense of Alger Hiss. See: John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr,"The New McCarthyism," Washington Decoded, 11 April (scroll down); John Earl Haynes,"Ales: Hiss, Foote, Stettinius?" John Earl Haynes, 7 June; Ron Rosenbaum,"Alger Hiss Rides Again," Slate, 16 July; and Ronald Radosh,"Alger Hiss: Once Again," Open University, 16 July.

Margaret Soltan,"The Online Amplification Effect," Liberal Education, Spring. The author of University Diaries reflects on the implications of blogging for academic communities.

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