Blogs > Cliopatria > Sunday Notes

Jul 29, 2007

Sunday Notes

Rick Perlstein and Margaret Soltan think about how American college life has changed in the last 15 years -- little of it for the better.

Jonathan Yardley,"How humans imperil the oceans and all that lives in them," Washington Post, 29 July, reviews Callum Roberts's The Unnatural History of the Sea.

Patricia Nelson Limerick,"Witnesses to Persecution," NYT, 29 July, reviews Jean Pfaelzer's Driven Out: The Forgotten War Against Chinese Americans.

David Greenberg,"Oh, Henry!" Washington Post, 29 July, reviews Jeremi Suri's Henry Kissinger and the American Century.

Mark Leibovich,"In the ‘60s, a Future Candidate Poured Out her Heart in Letters," NYT, 29 July, mines a trove of Hillary Rodham Clinton's letters to a friend.

Samantha Power,"Our War on Terror," NYT, 29 July, reviews recent books on the WoT.

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