Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Jul 31, 2007

Things Noted Here and There

Kevin Levin will host History Carnival LV on Wednesday 1 August at Civil War Memory. Send your nominations of the best in history blogging since 1 July to Kevlvn*at*aol*dot *com or use the form. Four Stone Hearth, the anthropology/archaeology carnival, will go up on Wednesday 1 August at Afarensis. Send nominations of the best in anthro/archaeo-blogging since 18 July to submit*at* fourstonehearth*dot*net.

Richard Pells,"History Descending a Staircase: American Historians and American Culture," CHE, 3 August, argues that historians have been neglecting cultural history.

Christopher Gray,"The Face will still be Forbidding, but much Tighter and Cleaner," NYT, 29 July, looks at the history of NY's Museum of Natural History, which is scheduled to reopen in 2009 with a new look.

Carla Kaplan,"The Lives of Others," The Nation, 13 August, reviews Lois Gordon's Nancy Cunard: Heiress, Muse, Political Idealist.

In Kevin Boyle,"The Fire Last Time," Washington Post, 29 July, the author of Arc of Justice: A Saga of Race, Civil Rights and Murder in the Jazz Age looks back on the Detroit race riot after 40 years.

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