Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Aug 1, 2007

More Noted Things

Carnivals: History Carnival LV is up at Civil War Memory. The anthropology/archaeology carnival, Four Stone Hearth #20, is up at Afarensis.

How Does Size Matter?Tim Burke and Margaret Soltan debate the uses of mega-endowments.

Publishing: Scott McLemee recommends that you study the Ithaka University Publishing Report. He says you'll be tested on it.

Unpublishing: is one of my favorite sites for locating used books, but what if you're Renée Magriel Roberts and you find your unpublished dissertation,"The Clock and the Rose: Time and Self-Transformation in the Romance of the Rose and the Divine Comedy", listed there?

What Does an Editor Do? Doubleday's Nan Talese criticizes Oprah Winfrey on the James Frey controversy:

Talese sounds remarkably vacuous. Andrew Sullivan and Kevin Drum debate the role of contemporary publishers and editors. I'm inclined to side with Sullivan on this one.

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