Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Aug 21, 2007

More Noted Things

Course preps: Dan Todman warns undergraduates of the evils and consequences of plagiarism. Alan Allport thinks drawing and quartering them is a bit, well," confrontational". Rebecca Goetz has syllabi for: HIST 117 America to 1848 E Pluribus Unum? In Uno Plures? and History 465: From Roanoke to Jamestown: English Colonization of North America, 1550-1650.

Adam Kirsch,"Avenging Angel: Inside Shelley's Manichaean Mind," New Yorker, 27 August, reviews Ann Wroe's Being Shelley. Hat tip.

Robert Tombs reviews Graham Robb's The Discovery of France, London Times, 19 August. Robb, the biographer of Balzac, Hugo and Rimbaud, builds on Eugen Weber's work to remind us that France, as we know it, is a fairly recent invention. Hat tip.

The refusal of the Anti-Defamation League's national leadership to acknowledge the Armenian genocide of 1915 to 1923 is arousing considerable disagreement. See also: Alan Wolfe at Open University. Hat tip.

Derek Catsam,"The Unbearable Lightness of Howard Zinn," dcat, 20 August, takes down Zinn's latest pronouncement. Put it up there with Michael Kazin's"Howard Zinn's Disappointing History of the United States," Dissent and HNN, March 2004.

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More Comments:

Ralph E. Luker - 8/21/2007

Right. I thought your comment was a very smart understatement.

Alan Allport - 8/21/2007

... I don't think punishing plagiarists is unecessarily "confrontational." I never said that at all. I do however think that you can explain concepts such as plagiarism to students without berating them.