Blogs > Cliopatria > My views are not for sale; and I can get them published in the NYT and the Washington Post

Aug 26, 2007

My views are not for sale; and I can get them published in the NYT and the Washington Post

Michael E. O'Hanlon and Kenneth Pollack,"A War We Just Might Win," NYT, 30 July; and their fuller"Iraq Trip Report," August, get a devastating review in Gregory Djerejian's"What's Really ‘Inexcusable' Here?" Belgravia Dispatch, 24 August. O'Hanlon follows with"The Work Behind Our Iraq Views," Washington Post, 25 August, which gets a dressing down from Kevin Drum. All of this comes after O'Hanlon, first, co-authored one of the early calls (May 2004) for a major troop reduction in Iraq; and, then, got a contract from the United States' Arabic propaganda agency, Alhurra. Thanks to Chris Bray and Steve Clemons for the tips.

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