Blogs > Cliopatria > Cliopatria Welcomes William J. Turkel

Aug 26, 2007

Cliopatria Welcomes William J. Turkel

Bill Turkel is well known to many of us at Cliopatria because his blog, Digital History Hacks, won the 2006 Cliopatria Award for Best New Blog. DHH"goes beyond new media platitudes and internet hype to demonstrate in word and deed what history in the twenty-first century will be all about," said the judges."From the nuts and bolts of spidering and scraping to the loftiest questions about what historians do and why, Digital History Hacks points the way to a brave new world with infectious enthusiasm and blazing imagination."

Bill took a B. Sc. and an M. A. at the University of British Columbia in the 1990s and moved to M.I.T., where he received an S.M. in 1999 and his doctorate in 2004. Since then, he has been on the faculty of the University of Western Ontario, with our colleague, Rob MacDougall. Bill teaches Canadian, digital, environmental, and public history. His book, The Archive of Place: Unearthing the Pasts of the Chilcotin Plateau, was published this year by the University of British Columbia Press. It's a pleasure to welcome Bill Turkel to Cliopatria.

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