Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday Notes

Aug 30, 2007

Thursday Notes

Tim Burke,"Angry at Academe," Easily Distracted, 29 August, looks at causes of anger toward American higher education.

Joan Acocella,"Cloud Nine," New Yorker, 3 September, reviews a new translation of Dante's Paradiso by Robert and Jean Hollander.

"The Humble Hornbook," The Nonist, 28 August, is a beautifully illustrated study of the essential primer of Anglo-American education for 400 years.

Scott McLemee,"40 Years of ‘The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual'," IHE, 29 August, interviews Peniel E. Joseph about Harold Cruse and his book.

Philip Weiss,"Watching Matt Drudge," New York, nd, tells the extraordinary story of the net's most powerful scandalmonger. Hat tip.

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