Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday Notes

Sep 6, 2007

Thursday Notes

Several important changes in the history blogosphere:
Nathanael Robinson is migrating from BlogSpot's Rhine River to Europe Endless at WordPress. Adjust your blogrolls accordingly.
Revise & Dissent is in the midst of personnel changes. Sage Ross of Yale and Ragesoss 2.02 and Sterling Fluharty of the University of Oklahoma and PhDinHistory are the first additions to a great line-up at R&D. Sage's first post at R&D:"What are Historians Good for?" I know you needed an answer to that question.

Charles Nicholl,"Married to the Myth," Guardian, 1 September, reviews Germaine Greer's Shakespeare's Wife.

Ben Versbow,"mlk in commentpress ... and an offer," If:Book, 5 September. If:Book puts Martin Luther King's"Letter from the Birmingham Jail" in its commentpress foremat and invites submission of other documents or material relevant to this one.

Finally, farewell to Luciano Pavarotti, who brought us so much listening pleasure.

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