Blogs > Cliopatria > Week of Sept. 10, 2007

Sep 13, 2007

Week of Sept. 10, 2007

  • Re: God & Politics Michael Kinsley:

    Mitt Romney wants the J.F.K. deal with voters: If you don't hold my religion against me, I won't impose my religion on you. But that deal made little sense in 1960 and makes no sense today. Kennedy said,"I believe in a President whose religious views are his own private affair." But the Roman Catholic Church holds that abortion is the deliberate killing of a human being. Catholic liberal politicians since Mario Cuomo have said they personally accept the doctrine of their church but nevertheless believe in a woman's right to choose. This is silly. There is no right to choose murder. Either these politicians are lying to their church, or they are lying to us.
  • Re: Iraq Robert Scheer:

    Of course Gen. David Petraeus predicts success in the Iraq war. What wonders couldn’t generals achieve with more troops and more time? The battle is always going well until it is lost, and then they blame defeat on the politicians and the public.

    There’s no shortage of retired generals who will tell you we could have won in Vietnam if only we had sent more troops, or bombed the dikes in the North, or been willing to kill more than the 3.4 million Vietnamese who died along with 59,000 American soldiers. Instead, the politicians and public, led by that bleeding heart President Richard Nixon, lost the will to win. Thus, the dominoes fell to communism, and Red China and Red Vietnam now rule the world by dint of military force. Have you been to Wal-Mart lately? The triumph of communism is total.

  • Re: Glass Half Full NYT News Headline:

    Earth Might Survive Sun’s Explosion
  • Re: History News Story (Australia):

    ... The Age understands Prime Minister John Howard was unhappy with Professor Taylor's draft [of a new national history curriculum], which included questions and milestones, and history taught from indigenous perspectives.

    "This is not what Howard wanted at all," a source told The Age."Howard may like milestones but he certainly doesn't like questions. Too ambiguous. Too much debate. Too much thinking . . . he wanted just the facts, the dragnet version of history."

  • Re: History Knopf rejection letter uncovered by historian David Oshinsky :

    This time there’s no point in trying to be kind. Your manuscript is utterly hopeless as a candidate for our list. I never thought the subject worth a damn to begin with and I don’t think it’s worth a damn now. Lay off, MacDuff.
  • Re: History Roy Rosenzweig :

    What do you call the high school history teacher? Coach.

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