Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Sep 18, 2007

More Noted Things

Robert Fisk,"It is the Death of History," Independent, 17 September, assesses what the occupation of Iraq has done to its ancient historic sites. Thanks to Manan Ahmed for the tip.

Daniel Alarcón,"Uncover What Violence Begets in ‘Art of Political Murder'," San Francisco Chronicle, 16 September, reviews Francisco Goldman's The Art of Political Murder: Who Killed the Bishop? on the violent death of Guatemalan Bishop Juan Gerardi.

Scott McLemee,"The Israel Lobby and U. S. Foreign Policy," Newsday, 16 September, reviews John J. Mearsheimer's and Stephen M. Walt's The Israel Lobby and U. S. Foreign Policy. Hat tip.

Our colleague, KC Johnson, is guest blogging this week at The Volokh Conspiracy, with his co-author, Stuart Taylor, Jr. Their posts, thus far, are here.

Tim Burke,"Turn Down the Dial," Easily Distracted, 17 September, looks at recent generalizations by Norman Finkelstein, KC Johnson, and Alan Wolfe as flawed argumentation.

Finally, welcome Greater New York to the history blogosphere. Its founding editors are Peter Eisenstadt, the editor of The Encyclopedia of New York State, and Rob Snyder, a professor of journalism and American Studies at Rutgers/Newark. Even by blogospheric standards, Greater New York is young, but check out Eisenstadt's"Historian in Hell," 11 September.

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