Blogs > Cliopatria > Sunday Notes

Sep 30, 2007

Sunday Notes

Paul Theroux,"Stanley, I Presume," NYT, 30 September, reviews Tim Jeal's Stanley: The Impossible Life of Africa's Greatest Explorer.

William Grimes,"In the Middle Leg of the Race, the Prize was Italy," NYT, 28 September, reviews Rick Atkinson's The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943- 1944. In Michael Kimmelman's"A Ruined Abbey, a Parable of War," NYT, 30 September, Atkinson revisits the abbey at Monte Casino, one of the bloodiest battles of World War II.

Mark Steyn,"West Side Story at 50," SteynOnline, 26 September, looks at West Side Story a half-century later. Hat tip.

Our colleague, Rachel Leow, contemplates the developments in Burma, here and here.

Finally, our colleague, KC Johnson, addressed and live-blogged other panels at Duke Law School's"Court of Public Opinion Conference" this weekend. At Durham-in-Wonderland, KC has posted Duke President Richard Brodhead's powerful address to the conference, which apologizes for the University's response to the charges against the lacrosse team and acknowledges the inappropriateness of some public statements by University faculty members.

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