Blogs > Cliopatria > World History Association Podcasts

Oct 1, 2007

World History Association Podcasts

This past June's WHA meeting in Milwaukee was an especially good one, even by the WHA's increasingly high standards. Lots of great panels, lots of geat discussion, some first-rate receptions... and all too many of you missed it.

But, fear not, because now a number of the presentations are available as podcasts. Yeah technology!

The podcasts are fairly representative of the conference in that a number (those by Joel Tishkin, Samina Sultana, and Gareth Fisher) reflect the conference's unintended emphasis on Religion in World History. Others, such as Maggie Favretti's"Beer Goddesses and Brewsters" were well suited to the Milwaulkee venue.

Finally, Marnie Hughes-Warrington's keynote"Scales of World History: Ancient, Medieval and Modern Historians and Their Choices" proves not only that she is very very smart, but also that jokes are funnier when you have an Australian accent.

Finally, take note that next year's WHA conference will be June 25-29 at the Queen Mary College, University of London. Mark those Calendars!

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