Blogs > Cliopatria > American Faces/ Iranian Audiences

Oct 3, 2007

American Faces/ Iranian Audiences

Today, Liberty & Power and Wonkette pick up a report from the Daily Mail. It says that Debra Cagan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Coalition Affairs to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, took a hard line with a visiting delegation of British MPs."She is very forceful and some of my colleagues were intimidated by her muscular style," one of them recalled."In any case, I hate all Iranians," she's reported having said. Gossipy Wonkette features the photograph of Cagan that accompanies the Daily Mail article. As a face of American diplomacy, it makes Ahmedinejad look like the soul of reason.

Cagan's photograph and words, however, reminded me that Iranian television recently featured St. Xavier's Peter N. Kirstein telling an Iranian audience exactly what the Iranian regime wants it to hear. Behold the reasonable face and articulate voice of American academe:

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Peter N. Kirstein - 10/7/2007

Mr Horowitz has a new category that critiques those who have appeared on Islamic media.
If one speak out publicly, one has to endure being called many things but self-censorship is not a viable option.

Serge Lelouche - 10/4/2007

Peter Kirstein really has fatal attraction to Holocaust deniers. But thank God he's brave enough to hang out with them, even though he knows he'll be called an anti-Semite. Imagine that, Kistein, an anti-Semite! Insanity, I tell you!