Things Noted Here and There
Further, Bookforum has a roundup of recent reviews of books in modern British and European history.
David Tilley's"Histoire d'un Amour," Barista, 10 October, bids farewell to André Gorz (Gerard Horst) and his beloved Doreen.
Hitchens Unhinged: Having abandoned the Left, Christopher Hitchens has become an embarrassment to the Right. See: here and here.
In Kevin Drum's"Department of the Obvious," Political Animal, 14 October, two very different historians, Victor Davis Hanson and William R. Polk, clarify things we ought to have understood about credibility and insurgency.
Finally, KC Johnson,"Reflections on the Piot Principles," D-i-W, 15 October, replies to Charles Piot,"KC's World," Transforming Anthropology, 15:2.