Blogs > Cliopatria > Copyright and the Digital Historian

Oct 17, 2007

Copyright and the Digital Historian

MIT Library has an excellent blog on Scholarly Publications that covers rights of faculty/researchers as well as a solid overview of Open Access Initiatives along with online video tutorials on copyrights/rights-retention for academic publishing (via iqag).

I especially endorse these two clauses of the MIT Copyright Amendment Form:
"The Author shall, without limitation, have the non-exclusive right to use, reproduce, distribute, create derivative works including update, perform, and display publicly, the Article in electronic, digital or print form in connection with the Author's teaching, conference presentation, lectures, other scholarly works, and for all of Author's academic and professional activities."

"Once the Article has been published by Publisher, the Author shall also have all the non-exclusive rights necessary to make, or to authorize others to make, the final published version of the Article available in digital form over the Internet, including but not limited to a website under the control of the Author or the Author's employer or through any digital repository..."
Very nice.

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