Blogs > Cliopatria > 2007 Cliopatria Awards Nominations: BEST SERIES OF POSTS

Dec 6, 2007

2007 Cliopatria Awards Nominations: BEST SERIES OF POSTS

Nominations are now closed.
Look for the winners to be announced in January

Please submit, in comments below, your nominations for the best blog post series by historians or about history published since 1 December 2006. [registration not required to post nominations, but the usual rules of civility and conduct still apply] Nominations will be accepted from November 1st through 30th.

Please include a URL for the posts (not just a URL for the blog). You many nominate as many posts or series as you wish in this category, and you may nominate individual blogs or bloggers in other categories as well.

If you want ideas of blogs or writers to nominate, see the History Blogroll or past editions of the History Carnival or its related carnivals.

Bloggers do not need to be academic historians. If you're not sure whether a blog or blogger qualifies as"history," nominate them anyway and the judges will make a final determination. If you have questions, feel free to contact Ralph Luker or leave a comment here.

Judging Committee: Timothy Burke, Miriam Elizabeth Burstein, Adam Roberts
[Judges are ineligible to win awards they are judging, but feel free to nominate them for something else!]

Go to: 2007 Nomination index, Best Group Blog, Best Individual Blog, Best New Blog, Best Post, Best Series of Posts, Best Writer, Previous Winners

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More Comments:

Hassan Hamed - 8/8/2008

Cleopatra as a woman

Jonathan Dresner - 12/1/2007

Nominations for the 2007 Awards are now closed. Judging committees will make their selections and the winners will be announced in early January.

Mary Dudziak - 12/1/2007

I'd like to second Tim Lacy's nomination of Tenured Radical. These posts are wise and funny, and the comments show how important they have been to her readers. No one does this sort of blogging better.

manan ahmed - 12/1/2007

On Afghanistan history and politics has been incredible:

Rebecca - 11/30/2007

has a great series of posts at Civil War Memory about Black Confederates: start here and work down, clicking on his "the myth of black confederates" category:

Phil - 11/30/2007

Correction: here's part 6 of the interview:

Phil - 11/30/2007

Baldblogger's 7-part interview with historian Edward J. Blum about his book on religion and W.E.B. Du Bois.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Alan Baumler - 11/19/2007

Jonathan Dresner - 11/18/2007

This is the series of posts, ranging across four blogs, resulting from the 2007 ASPAC conference in Honolulu

ASPAC Blogging
Vagaries of Honolulu
South Asian Studies at ASPAC
(A Little) Chinese History at ASPAC
Korean (Gender) Studies at ASPAC
Japanese Diaspora at ASPAC
Japanese War Memories at ASPAC
Marginalizing Discourses at ASPAC

Tim Lacy - 11/13/2007

Dear Cliopatria's Selection Committee,

Please consider Tenured Radical's ongoing series, denoted here by me "Letters To A Young Historian," that deal with junior scholar issues. Here are the posts:

1. - On applying for tenure-track jobs.
2. - On giving a good conference paper
3. - On dealing with office hours
4. and - On being a visiting professor

There are a few more at her site, but these are these seem sufficient to demonstrate the theme.


Tim Lacy, Ph.D.
Chicago, IL

Lance Tillman - 11/9/2007

Many might find The Lost PowerPoint Slides a bit tongue-in-cheek, but I'd like to nominate them for making history amusing. Here are some of the editions I've liked the most:

Armada Edition
Storming the Bastille Edition
The Battle of Salamis Edition
Reign of Terror Edition
Viking Raider Edition
Buccaneer Edition
Waterloo Edition

And the whole archive can be found here (though there are some non-history posts included in the archive).

davenoon - 11/9/2007

Rob Farley, Sunday Deposed Monarch Blogging over at Lawyers, Guns and Money.

- 11/4/2007

I'd like you to consider the "More Uppity Women" series (Julia Domna, Julia Maesa, Julia Soaemias, Julia Mamaea) from Zenobia's blog:

Ralph Luker - 11/4/2007

Errol Morris, "Which Came First, The Chicken or the Egg?" Zoom, 25 September, 4 October, 23 October, Part I, Part II, Part III.

Viv LaBerge - 11/3/2007

I would like to nominate Tim Abbott's series of seven posts on Sullivan's Expedition Against the Iroquois(August 19th-25th, 2007)at his blog Walking the Berkshires.

The first post is at

Wil Cone - 11/2/2007

Digital Medievalist: Scéla's recent series: 1. Medieval Fairies as Other, 2. Bridget Cleary: Fairy Intrusion in Nineteenth Century Ireland, and 3. Bridget Cleary, Sex, Death, Fairies and Other

Jeremy Young - 11/1/2007

Gordon Taylor's The Pasha and the Gypsy (2 3 4 5 6), at ProgressiveHistorians. Through a careful reinterpretation of sections of Zsa Zsa Gabor's two autobiographies, Taylor brings to life the vanished world of late Kemalist Turkey through the 15-year-old Gabor's eyes. Every year there's one nomination in a Cliopatria category that I feel particularly strongly about; this is it for 2007.