Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Jun 3, 2009

Things Noted Here and There

Anthony Grafton,"Future Reading: Digitization and Its Discontents," and Grafton,"A Tour of the World's Digital Collections," New Yorker, 5 November, are essential reading.

For commentary on the crisis in Pakistan, see Manan Ahmed's Chapati Mystery. Apparently, all except state television, and both telephone lines and text messaging are down across the country by order of the state. Manan recommends Democracy and Freedom Blog for video clips.

Voting on the 2007 Weblog Awards has begun. Among history bloggers, Josh Marshall's Talking Points Memo is nominated for Best Liberal Blog; Belmont Club is nominated for Best Conservative Blog; Betsy's Page is nominated for Best of the 501-1000 Blogs; Acephalous is nominated for Best of the Top 2501-3500 Blogs; and our colleague, KC Johnson's Durham-in-Wonderland is nominated for Best of the Top 3501-5000 Blogs.

For a meme on the Five. Best. Blog. Posts. Ever., see: Crooked Timber, Brad deLong, Daniel Drezner, Jim Henley, Scott Lemieux, and Matt Yglesias.

We want widespread participation in the nominations process for The Cliopatria Awards, 2007. You don't have to be a historian or a blogger to nominate work that you think is worthy of an Award. Self-nominations are acceptable. Judges are ineligible in categories they are judging, but eligible in categories they are not judging. Cliopatria is ineligible for the Best Group Blog Award, but its group members, posts, etc., are eligible for nomination in other categories. Nominations are open through November. Thanks to those who have helped to spread the word: AHA Today, Ancarett's Ancarett's Abode, Martin Rundkvist's Aardvarchaeology, Kevin Levin's Civil War Memory, Sharon Howard's Early Modern Notes, Tim Lacy & Co's History and Education, Mary Dudziak's Legal History Blog, Rebecca Goetz's Historianess, Miriam Burstein's Little Professor, Moyen Age, Jeremy Young & Co.'s Progressive Historians, Lisa's Real History Blog, Brandon Watson's Siris, Marc Comtois's Spinning Clio and Miland Brown's World History Blog.

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