Blogs > Liberty and Power > Reviews Resurrected

Nov 15, 2007

Reviews Resurrected

[cross-posted at Austro-Athenian Empire]

The Mises Institute has posted a PDF of a 1945 issue of American Affairs featuring articles by, inter alia, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Garet Garrett, and Isabel Paterson. I’ve posted an HTML version of the Paterson piece, a book review, on the Molinari Institute site (not because it’s an especially interesting piece, but because hey, it’s Paterson). I’ve also posted a 1900 review of a book about French semi-anarchist Charles Dunoyer. (Check out the delightful put-down in the last paragraph.)

More Comments:

Roderick T. Long - 11/15/2007

Well, alas, Dunoyer was a semi-statist. In his early writings he said that the proper progression of society was toward radical decentralisation ("the municipalisation of the world") and the eventual elimination of the state. But when Molinari actually started detailing specific proposals for replacing the state, Dunoyer accused him of being led astray by "illusions of logic" and said that we must leave the maintenance of social order "where civilisation has placed it" (i.e. in the hands of the state). In old age he grew still more conservative, finally calling for the restoration of the Bourbons (albeit on libertarian-ish, proto-Hoppean grounds).

Mark Brady - 11/15/2007

First of all, thank you for making available these two items and a great many other articles, essays and reviews at your website.

Second, isn't a "semi-anarchist" no less a "semi-statist"?