Blogs > Cliopatria > Best Served With Freedom Fries

Nov 18, 2007

Best Served With Freedom Fries

My review of Cathy Wilkerson's book about how she came to be in the Weather Underground ran last week in Newsday. I've now posted it at my own website as well, so that it will remain available after the paper withdraws it. The text is available here.

A number of other reviews from the past several months, several on popular books of historical interest, are also available, listed on the homepage. Among them is my longish essay marking the twentieth anniversary of Russell Jacoby's The Last Intellectuals.

As just noted at Quick Study, it is also available in translation in the second issue of La Revue internationale des livres et des idées, a new magazine sometimes described as"The Paris Review of Books." My Francophile mother-in-law is going to be seriously impressed. My family back in Texas, maybe not so much.

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