Historians and the Obama Campaign
Cliopatria is unlikely to follow the example of either Liberty & Power or The Volokh Conspiracy for two reasons: first, we are a history group blog, devoted primarily to understanding the past; and, second, we are and have been, from the beginning, intellectually and politically diverse. The Cliopatricians are unlikely to agree among ourselves on a single candidate or, even, a single political party. Having said that, I have announced my choice of a candidate and have turned to other Cliopatricians to make our choice known.
Early last week, I contacted Michael Kazin, a contributing editor at Cliopatria, about the possibility of organizing a group of Historians for Obama. Michael agreed that it was a good idea and agreed to write a preliminary draft of a statement of support for Barak Obama's candidacy. Michael spent much of the Thanksgiving holiday drafting a statement and I spent much of the rest of it recruiting other historians to join us. One of the first people I contacted was our colleague, KC Johnson, who had already announced his support for Obama.
Beyond that, however, I was sending invitations to historians whose politics I knew little about. The result of Michael's writing skill and my solicitations,"Historians for Obama," is posted this week on HNN's mainpage. We learned that it's harder to get two dozen historians to agree on 500 words than it is to get them to agree on a single candidate. But we're delighted with the group of historians who have joined in this endorsement:
Joyce Appleby, David Blight, Edward J. Blum, Clayborne Carson, Dennis C. Dickerson, W. Marvin Dulaney, James Grossman, Nancy A. Hewitt, Jonathan Holloway, Randal Jelks, Robert KC Johnson, Michael Kazin, Steven Lawson, James Livingston, Ralph E. Luker, James McPherson, Albert J. Raboteau, Edward B. Rugemer, Nick Salvatore, Daniel J. Singal, Harvard Sitkoff, Daniel Soyer, Paul Spickard, Siva Vaidhyanathan, Craig Steven Wilder, David W. Wills
Since its publication yesterday on HNN's mainpage, another half dozen historians have signed this endorsement of Senator Obama. Because we expect to publish it subsequently elsewhere, we're inviting more professional historians to join us. You can do so by contacting Michael at mk8*at*georgetown*dot*edu and me at ralphluker*at*mindspring*dot*com.
See also: Scott Jaschik,"Historians Team Up to Back Obama," Inside Higher Ed, 27 November.