Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday Notes

Dec 6, 2007

Thursday Notes

Rolf Potts,"Jurassic Tennis," The Smart Set, 30 November, reports that, before tennis, Renaissance Europe enjoyed Jeu de Paume. It's still being played.

Eric Wills,"Hear Here," Preservation, November/ December, is an interview with Princeton's Anne Matthews, who is interested in the history of sound and the author of If Walls Could Talk. Thanks to Sally Greene at GreeneSpace for the tip.

Terry Teachout,"The Cult of the Difficult," Commentary, December, reviews Peter Gay's Modernism: The Lure of Heresy. Hat tip.

Imitation being, according to Charles Caleb Colton,"the sincerestform of flattery," the Historians for Obama are flattered. More than 75 historians, including Robert Dallek, the distinguished historian of the American presidency, have now signed our statement endorsing Senator Obama's candidacy. You can read it and see who the other historians are here. If you'd like to join us, contact Michael Kazin and me at mk8*at*georgetown*dot*edu and ralphluker*at*mindspring*dot*com.

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More Comments:

Jeremy Young - 12/6/2007

You are indeed owed congratulations, Ralph, for assembling such a prominent group of historians in support of your cause. Whatever I might think of the statement itself, it's always good to see historians using their knowledge to comment on and influence current events. And thanks as well for your mention of my article.