Blogs > Cliopatria > Two Notes to the New York Times

Dec 30, 2007

Two Notes to the New York Times

The old gray lady is adjusting, slowly, to the internet. I see two missteps so far.

First, giving space to vlogging is a mistake. Common wisdom says that television does two things well: sports and talking heads. But, talking heads on the internet isn't ready for prime Times. Whatever their politics or however smart they are, I don't care to see Ann Althaus, Daniel Drezner, or Matt Yglesias drinking soda water or sucking down a cup of coffee while trying to carry on a conversation. In fact, I don't care to see them, at all.

Second, links are there for a reason. The Times uses them very poorly. It being the"newspaper of record," the Times restricts all of its links internally – that is to other Times documents. And it links to Times documents from some data bank, so that it's rarely obvious that the link is either important or relevant. Proof of that pudding is in David Oshinsky's"Heil, Woodrow!" NYT, 30 December, an excellent review of Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning. Through no fault of his own, Oshinsky's reference to the National Recovery Administration (NRA) is linked to the Times files on the National Rifle Association (NRA). Hat tip.

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Randll Reese Besch - 1/6/2008

Where corporation and state merge into one. Mussolini knew what it was and he was no liberal. Hitler was too. He gave corporations full autonomy in the Third Reich.A Reaganites dream. The church too was integrated within the structure of the state. I don't think anyone who is an actual liberal,like those that protested both world wars,supported Woodrow Wilson or his right-wing imperial attitudes then or now. Goldberg like so many others of his authoritarian ilk is just deflecting from where the real fascists lie, in our own gov't and military and the various religious organizations and corporations that believe in top down control over every aspect of our lives. I would like to see the review of Naomi Wolf's book the appropriatly named "End of America."