Blogs > Cliopatria > Somebody Contact Ken Burns

Jan 16, 2008

Somebody Contact Ken Burns

It turns out everything Johah Goldberg says in Liberal Fascism is true. There are photographs.

But a lot of people won't believe it, just because of exchanges like the one described here, overheard during Goldberg's appearance last night at the Borders in downtown Washington, DC:

While waiting to hear him, the two guys in front of me had this conversation after identifying each other as fellow conservatives. (I swear I am not making this up.)

Guy 1: Man, I am suprised there weren't protesters outside or something--knowing this town.

Guy 2: Yeah, but if there were we could bring out the baseball bats and show them some real fascism.

Guy 1: uh, yeah...

Indeed. It put the rest of the conversation into perspective.
Thanks to Henry Farrell for pointing out the latter item.

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