Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Jan 29, 2008

More Noted Things

Will Leitch,"Writing a Book? Piece of Cake ... at least compared to blogging," Publishers Weekly, 21 January, and Sarah Boxer,"Blogs," NYRB, 14 February, reflect on blogging as a form of writing. See also: Margaret Soltan,"Blogoscopy," University Diaries, 28 January.

Gary Lachman,"Ten Extraordinary Literary Suicides," TimesOnline, 25 January, identifies ten writers who did and how they did their last deed.

Michael Dirda,"Painting the World," Washington Post, 27 January, reviews Timothy Brooks's Vermeer's Hat: The Seventeenth Century and the Dawn of the Global World.

Scott McLemee,"Constitutional review," Chicago Tribune, 26 January, reviews Eric Lane's and Michael Oreskes's The Genius of America: How the Constitution Saved Our Country and Why It Can Again, Larry J. Sabato's A More Perfect Constitution: 23 Proposals to Revitalize Our Constitution and Make America a Fairer Country, and Woody Holton's Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution. Hat tip.

Doug Lederman,"Professors for ... Hoover," IHE, 29 January, finds that academics' endorsement of political candidates is an old tradition. Historians for Obama now has nearly 100 signatures. You can join us by notifying Michael Kazin or me that you'd like to do so. Contact us at mk8*at*georgetown*dot*edu or ralphluker*at*mindspring*dot*com.

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