Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Feb 11, 2008

Things Noted Here and There

The AHA has established an archives wiki, for information about the use and holdings of archives around the world. It launches with information about nearly 100 archives. Thanks to Dan Cohen for the tip.

John Cottingham,"Austere man of action and intellect," The Tablet, 31 January, reviews Richard Reeves's John Stuart Mill: Victorian firebrand.

Paul Kennedy,"The Imperial Mind," Atlantic, January/February, is an essay about"a historian's education in the ways of empire." Hat tip.

Geoffrey Wheatcroft,"Europeans Are From Venus," NYT, 9 February, reviews James J. Sheehan's Where Have All the Soldiers Gone? The Transformation of Modern Europe.

James Mann,"Unflappable, Impeccable, Seemingly Untouchable," Washington Post, 10 February, reviews Samantha Power's Chasing the Flame: Sergio Vieira de Mello and The Fight to Save the World.

GayProf,"Where is the Diversity?" Center of Gravitas, 3 February, and Historiann,"History Departments: Lite, Brite, and Mighty White," Historiann, 4 February, consider the failure of history departments to become more diverse.

At Brainstorm, Mark Bauerlein and Sam Wineburg continue the discussion of USA Today's account of high school students' list of the ‘ten most famous Americans'.

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More Comments:

Manan Ahmed - 2/11/2008

Slap that on a bumper sticker.