Wednesday Notes
Desmond Ryan,"Another job description for Austen and Dickens: Amateur historians," Philadelphia Inquirer, 10 February, reviews David Starkey, ed., Two Histories of England by Jane Austen and Charles Dickens.
John Golding,"The Born Rebel Artist," NYRB, 14 February, reviews Petra ten-Doesschate Chu's The Most Arrogant Man in France: Gustave Courbet and the Nineteenth-Century Media Culture, Thierry Savatier's L'Origine du monde: Histoire d'un tableau de Gustave Courbet, Linda Nochlin's Courbet, and Gustave Courbet, an exhibit that opens at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art in late February.
Scott McLemee's"Objection!" IHE, 13 February, revisits Richard Posner's Public Intellectuals: A Study in Decline.