Blogs > Cliopatria > Friday Items

Feb 29, 2008

Friday Items

Dana Goldstein discusses the education policy differences between the two Democratic candidates.

Sean Wilentz's New Republic piece comes under more criticism, this time from Too Sense.

Hugo Schywzer on why tenure matters.

The Chronicle previews Twitter as a teaching tool.

A reminder of the value of a free press: the work of the Detroit Free Press in uncovering Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's efforts to use city money to hide text messages showing that he lied about having an affair with his chief of staff--in a civil suit filed by two police officers who Kilpatrick fired out of fear they would discover the affair. The Michigan Supreme Court yesterday ordered the release of all the text messages, overturning a confidentiality agreement that Kilpatrick and city attorneys had brokered with lawyers for the former police officers.

And for those with too much spare time on their hands, Slate's delegate counter allows adjustable projections on the final delegate total.

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