Blogs > Cliopatria > Friday Notes

Mar 14, 2008

Friday Notes

Eileen Joy will host Carnivalesque XXXVII, an ancient/medieval edition of the festival, on Sunday 16 March at In the Middle. Send nominations of the best in ancient/medieval history blogging since 20 January to her at ejoy*at*siue*dot*edu or carnivalesque*at*earlymodernweb*dot*org*dot*uk. Ross Mahoney will host Military History Carnival XII on Thursday 20 March at Thoughts on Military History. Send nominations of the best in military history blogging since 17 February to him at mahoneyross*at*hotmail*dot*com.

Julian Barnes,"Flaubert's Last Letters," TLS, 12 March, reviews Gustav Flaubert's Correspondence. V: janvier 1876 – mai 1880. Jean Bruneau and Yvan Leclerc, eds. Hat tip.

Megan Dixon,"Artists Under the Soviet Thumb," CSM, 11 March, reviews Solomon Volkov's The Magical Chorus: A History of Russian Culture from Tolstoy to Solzhenitsyn.

Mark Bauerlein,"An Anti-Lynching Firebrand," WSJ, 8 March, reviews Paula Giddings's new biography of Ida B. Wells, Ida: A Sword Among Lions.

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More Comments:

Ralph E. Luker - 3/14/2008

Thanks, Elle! Good catch.

Elle K Gray - 3/14/2008

Hi, Ralph! I know the number of blogs by African American historians (that we know of) is somewhat low, but I've linked to this one for a while and find it so interesting--it's about her life as a graduate student and her story is so familiar :-)