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Mar 17, 2008

Sunday Notes

Eileen Joy hosts Carnivalesque XXXVII, an ancient/medieval edition of the festival, at In the Middle.

Our colleague, Rachel Leow, is on a conference/research trip in the United States. This week she was doing research in the papers of George McTurnin Kahin at Cornell. In"Historians Studying Historians," A Historian's Craft, 14 March, she wonders at the many levels on which the archival work is teaching her.

Alexander Star,"I Feel Good," NYT, 16 March, reviews Daniel Lord Smail's On Deep History and the Brain.

Dr. Virago,"Publications and Visibility," Quod She, 14 March, launches a wide-ranging discussion about placing one's work.

Edward Rothstein,"A Giant's Roaring, Faintly Echoed," NYT, 16 March, reviews"John Milton at 400: A Life Beyond Life," an exhibit at the New York Public Library.

In the United States, John Adams premiers tonight at 8:00 p.m. on HBO. Here's the trailer. It looks to be a good series.

Thomas Mallon,"Obsessed (Agog, Beset, Consumed, Driven, etc.)," NYT, 16 March, reviews Joshua Kendall's new biography of Peter Mark Roget (1779-1869), The Man Who Made Lists: Love, Death, Madness, and the Creation of Roget's Thesaurus.

Richard Polt,"Typology: A Phenomenology of Early Typewriters," The Classic Typewriter Page, nd, illustrates the type. Hat tip.

Susan Salter Reynolds,"A prophet returns," LA Times, 16 March, argues that the approaching settlement of the Aldous Huxley estate portends a renewal of interest in his work. Hat tip.

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