Blogs > Cliopatria > Obama, Race, and North Carolina

Mar 21, 2008

Obama, Race, and North Carolina

Not since 1976, when Ronald Reagan’s victory over Gerald Ford revived his then-floundering campaign, has North Carolina’s primary played a significant role in the nominating process. That’s likely to change in 2008. The early May primary provides an opportunity for Barack Obama to rebound from a likely Clinton victory in Pennsylvania, and in the process gain ground in the Clintons’ latest measuring stick for success, the popular vote total. The state seems to play to Obama’s strengths: it has a sizable black population, as well as a good number of college-educated whites in the Research Triangle and in Charlotte. Moreover, unlike Pennsylvania and Indiana (and Ohio before them), the state’s political leadership is either supporting Obama or is neutral. That said, Obama’s lead in North Carolina dropped precipitously in the latest poll.

Obama made his first campaign swing to the Tarheel State the day after his Philadelphia speech on race relations, and NBC’s First Read noted the irony:

"He will speak less than 24 hours before state legislators come together for a special session to vote on the expulsion of a black [state representative] suspected of fraud; the accused lawmaker alleges that the charges are racially motivated. Obama also will walk into a local news cycle spinning around the death of a beloved UNC student at the hands of a troubled black juvenile, who is widely believed to represent the failures of the state's probationary system.

"When he lands in Fayetteville, where he will talk about Iraq, he'll be 100 miles south of Durham, the site of the explosive racial confrontation kindled by the Duke lacrosse case. He'll be 100 miles northwest of the North Carolina house district that will be examined by the U.S. Supreme Court this fall to determine the constitutionality of racially gerrymandered 'influence' districts. Just southwest of that is Wilmington, which saw a formal apology from the state's Democratic Party last year for the violent race riots perpetrated there by white supremacist Democrats in 1898."

Shortly after Obama’s Philadelphia speech, Fox News ran a story suggesting the candidate’s inconsistency on high-profile racially charged cases, noting that Obama had recommended Don Imus’ dismissal after Imus’ attack on the Rutgers women’s basketball team. The clear implication: Obama had one standard for whites (Imus) and another for blacks (Rev. Wright), and that he pandered to his African-American base.

The Fox story didn’t mention Obama’s stance on the lacrosse case (perhaps because it undercut the story’s premise). Obama was the only presidential candidate of either party to support a DOJ investigation of Mike Nifong. (He did so in early 2007, joining only two other Democratic officeholders—New Jersey senator Bob Menendez and Long Island congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy.) Hillary Clinton remained silent on the issue, even though one of her constituents was among the falsely accused. And the third major Democratic candidate, John Edwards, hired as his official campaign blogger a guilt-presuming ideologue who maintained as late as January 2007 that an attack had occurred. Given that the state NAACP had championed Nifong’s cause, it’s hard to argue that Obama’s position on the lacrosse case represented political pandering on a racially charged question.

Shortly after Obama left North Carolina, the state House of Representatives resolved another of the racially charged matters mentioned by First Read: by a vote of 109-5, the body expelled Wilmington Democrat Thomas Wright. The allegations involved campaign finance improprieties; Wright has been criminally charged with shifting as much as $350,000 from his campaign account to his personal savings.

The vote marked only the thirteenth time in history and the first occasion since 1880 that the state House had expelled one of its members. Most of these previous cases had involved some form of financial fraud, though state Representative Josiah Turner met his fate in 1880 for a quite different reason. The House expelled Turner, as the N&O dryly notes, “for calling other legislators names.” Turner, it turns out, had labeled the Speaker, John Moring, a “gander head.”

If this rationale for expulsion from a legislative body still existed, Congress would have no members.

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More Comments:

Nancy Brown - 3/31/2008

At a rally where Bill Clinton spoke last week, working class NC folks filled a high school gym, including some African-Americans.

Obama probably will carry black NC-ians, but the folks in the Research Triangle are not representative of the rest of the state, which will likely go to Hillary. She has a chance to win NC.

Nancy Brown - 3/31/2008

At a rally where Bill Clinton spoke last week, working class NC folks filled a high school gym, including some African-Americans.

Obama probably will carry black NC-ians, but the folks in the Research Triangle are not representative of the rest of the state, which will likely go to Hillary. She has a chance to win NC.

Jeff Vanke - 3/21/2008

Or make that 1.5%, since that's how many need to switch sides to narrow a lead by 3 pts.