Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Apr 1, 2008

More Noted Things

Melissa Bellanta hosts History Carnival LXIII, with special emphasis on women's history, at The Vapour Trail.

"The History of Print from Phaistos to 3D," The News in Print, 19 March, tracks the major milestones in print. Check the comments for controversy. Hat tip.

Benjamin Markovits,"You Have Never Written Better," LRB, 20 March, reviews Andrew Nicholson, ed., The Letters of John Murray to Lord Byron.

Rosie Millard,"Hunter S Thompson: our crazy gonzo life," London Times, 23 March, interviews Anita Thompson, Gonzo's widow, who's just published The Gonzo Way: A Celebration of Dr Hunter S Thompson.

Philip Gourevitch and Errol Morris,"Exposure," New Yorker, 24 March, interviews the woman behind the camera at Abu Ghraib.

Finally, for April's first day, Mary Dudziak,"Announcing ... WikiLaw!" Legal History Blog, 1 April; Michael Moran,"The Top 10 Historical Hoaxers," London Times, 31 March, from the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography; and"Ben Schott's April Fool Almanac," LT, 31 March, from 1957's Italian spaghetti harvest to Burger King's left-handed whopper in 1998. Thanks to Mary Dudziak and Manan Ahmed for the tips.

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