Thursday Notes
Terry Teachout,"Free the Piano Player," Commentary, April, reviews Kenneth Hamilton's After the Golden Age: Romantic Pianism and Modern Performance. Hamilton hopes to"inspire performers to break with ‘the fusty rituals of modern concert-giving, in which the music is served up with the superciliousness of a sneering sommelier offering overpriced wine at a too-long-established restaurant'." Hat tip to Arts & Letters Daily, which recommends this as an example of what we've been missing.
Paul Collins,"Histories: When the internet was made of paper," New Scientist, 22 March, looks at the Mundaneum, an early 20th century proto-internet or proto-wikipedia. The article is subscriber only, but you get a taste of it at Collins,"House of Cards," Weekend Stubble, 30 March, where you'll also learn about the other major tragedy at Washington, DC's Ford's Theatre. Hat tip to Rob MacDougall.
Talking Points Memo's Josh Marshall, one of the most successful history bloggers, spoke at Princeton on Tuesday night about his experience as a political blogger and the transition from print to digital journalism. Marshall was introduced by Princeton's Anthony Grafton. The Daily Princetonian and TigerHawk have the story.
Finally, Tim Burke asks the question: If Ward Churchill's historical scholarship is unacceptable for the University of Colorado, why is John Yoo's legal scholarship acceptable in the Justice Department and at U Cal, Berkeley's Boalt Hall School of Law?