Blogs > Cliopatria > Race and Indiana

Apr 26, 2008

Race and Indiana

Since the Pennsylvania primary, there's been quite a bit of discussion of the role of race in propping up the Clintons' campaign. Few, however, have been quite as blunt as a supporter of the Clintons polled in the just-released Indianapolis Starpoll. (Obama leads by three, with a large number of undecided voters--and, remarkably, beats McCain in a hypothetical Indiana general election matchup.)

Sharon Jacobs fits all of the Clintons' demographics--she's a white woman, she's over 50, and she's retired from her job as a foundry worker.

Asked why she was supporting Hillary, she said,"It's because I liked Bill Clinton as president. I figure two heads are better than one."

And the opposition? She fears that"if Obama gets in there, the blacks will kind of try to take over." Jacobs did assure the Star reporter that she didn't want to discriminate.

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