Blogs > Cliopatria > Women and Other Historical Beings

Apr 28, 2008

Women and Other Historical Beings

Felix at Bay Radical will host History Carnival LXIV on Thursday 1 May. Send him nominations of April's best in history blogging at bayradical*at*gmail*dot*com or use the form. History Carnival needs hosts for subsequent months. If you'd like to host one of the monthly carnivals at your blog this summer or fall, please contact sharon*at*earlymodernweb*dot*org*dot*uk.

Katie Riophe,"Reclaiming the Shrew," NYT, 27 April, reviews Germaine Greer's Shakespeare's Wife.

Kathryn Harrison,"Diagnosis: Female," NYT, 27 April, reviews Lisa Appignanesi's Mad, Bad and Sad: Women and the Mind Doctors.

Michael Kazin,"Rockefeller's Nemesis," Washington Post, 27 April, reviews Steve Weinberg's Taking on the Trust: The Epic Battle of Ida Tarbell And John D. Rockefeller.

H. W. Brands,"The Brotherhood," Washington Post, 27 April, reviews Steven Greenhouse's The Big Squeeze: Tough Times for the American Worker and Nick Taylor's American-Made: The Enduring Legacy of the WPA, When FDR Put the Nation to Work.

Matthew Dennison,"How Daphne du Maurier wrote Rebecca," Telegraph, 19 April, tracks the novel's difficult plot to tensions in du Maurier's own marriage.

Robert Fulford,"In their own fanatical words," National Post, 26 April, reviews Gilles Kepel and Jean-Pierre Milelli, eds., Al Qaeda in Its Own Words, an anthology of public documents by Abdallah Azzam (1941-89), Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama Bin Laden, and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (1966-2006). Hat tip to A&L Daily.

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