Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Apr 30, 2008

More Noted Things

Richard Byrne,"First Meeting for New Group on Middle East and African Studies Places Islamic Extremism at Center of Its Agenda," CHE, 28 April, reports on the recent neo-con pep rally in Washington, DC.

Eric Ormsby,"Treasures on Trial," WSJ, 26 April, reviews James Cuno's Who Owns Antiquity?

Jerry Pattengale,"Writing History in Public," Books & Culture, May/June, reviews Susan Wise Bauer's The History of the Ancient World, From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome.

Tim Black reviews Peter Gay's Modernism: The Lure of Heresy for Spiked Review of Books, 12 April. Hat tip.

Eric Arneson reviews Paula J. Giddings' new biography of Ida B. Wells, Ida: A Sword Among Lions, for the Chicago Tribune, 26 April. Hat tip to Mary Dudziak.

Jean Bethke-Elstein,"There Will Be Brilliance," Books & Culture, May/June, reviews Paul Thomas Anderson's new film, There Will Be Blood. But, um, see also: Ed Blum's"Who Will Review the Reviewers," Religion in American History, 29 April, which serves a feast of fictionalization, confusion, transgendering, and oh well, what the hell.

John McWhorter,"Talking the Talk," NYT, 27 April, reviews Jonathan Rieder's The Word of the Lord is upon Me: The Righteous Performance of Martin Luther King, Jr..

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