Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

May 6, 2008

Things Noted Here and There

Geoff Pevere,"History in the Eye of the Beholder," The Star, 27 April, reviews Margaret MacMillan's The Uses and Abuses of History. Hat tip.

Martha C. Nussbaum,"Stages of Thought," TNR, 7 May, reviews A. D. Nuttall's Shakespeare the Thinker, Colin McGinn's Shakespeare's Philosophy: Discovering the Meaning Behind the Plays, and Tzachi Zamir's Double Vision: Moral Philosophy and Shakespearean Drama.

Nick Bromell,"The Liberal Imagination of Frederick Douglass," American Scholar, Spring, argues that Frederick Douglass's experience summons us to a renewed liberal sensibility.

Owen Hatherley,"Revolutions All Round," New Statesman, 1 May, reviews Anthony Phillips, ed., Sergey Prokofiev: Diaries (1915-1922) - Behind the Mask. Hat tip.

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