Blogs > Cliopatria > Martin Luther King Would Have Totally Favored the White Power Agenda

May 13, 2008

Martin Luther King Would Have Totally Favored the White Power Agenda

Best Martin Luther King canard ever.

Over the last couple of weeks, a series of (usually anonymous) angry letters have appeared in the pages of the Claremont Courier, a twice-weekly community newspaper published in a small California college town. The letters describe a disturbing incident of racial animosity in 42nd Street Bagels, a shop in the Claremont Village. Witnesses wrotein to the newspaper to say that they'd seen an elderly white man walk in -- wearing a"David Duke for President" t-shirt -- and push past an elderly black woman, slamming his coffee cup on the counter and demanding to be served ahead of the black customer.

Eventually, everyone wrote in, almost all unnamed: The black woman, the white man in the David Duke shirt, the owners of the bagel store, witnesses, another co-owner of the bagel store.

The most fascinating letter by far was the one from the elderly white man who had started the whole mess:

Claiming that the woman had"manhandled my 42nd Street mug," he placed a good portion of the blame right where he thought it belonged:"SHE shares a considerable amount of responsibility in this incident because of her Blatant Racist attitude toward me."

And he closed, in a postscript, with a word of advice:

"A very great man once called for a 'color-blind society with equality for all.' Maybe she should read about him, his name was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."

The white guy in the"David Duke for President" shirt closed his letter with a stirring reference to Martin Luther King. So he could try to get a black woman to stop being mean to him for shoving past her in line, no less. This perfectly formed misuse of King's legacy cannot be topped. It wins the blue ribbon, today and forever. (Why are black people so racist and hateful to me when I shove past them in my David Duke t-shirt? Don't they know about MLK?)

Eat your heart out, Juan Williams.

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More Comments:

Chris Bray - 5/13/2008

FWIW, I should mention that I used to work for the Claremont Courier, used to live in Claremont, tricked a Claremont college into giving me a degree, and ate a few bland and doughy-soft bagels at the bagel shop where the poor unfortunate David Duke supporter had his coffee mug manhandled. But I usually got breakfast up the street at Some Crust, so it's not my fault.