Blogs > Cliopatria > Senator Apostate Clings Bravely to Life

May 13, 2008

Senator Apostate Clings Bravely to Life

In a recent post, Manan Ahmed noted the presence of an aggressively stupid op-ed piece in the New York Times. (Stupid op-ed pieces in the New York Times are like peaches on a peach tree, but never mind.) In that essay, Edward Luttwack warned that Barack Obama would be seen throughout the Muslim world as an apostate, which would complicate his ability to conduct foreign policy. Most serious claim, with emphasis added:
With few exceptions, the jurists of all Sunni and Shiite schools prescribe execution for all adults who leave the faith not under duress; the recommended punishment is beheading at the hands of a cleric, although in recent years there have been both stonings and hangings...

Because no government is likely to allow the prosecution of a President Obama — not even those of Iran and Saudi Arabia, the only two countries where Islamic religious courts dominate over secular law — another provision of Muslim law is perhaps more relevant: it prohibits punishment for any Muslim who kills any apostate, and effectively prohibits interference with such a killing.

At the very least, that would complicate the security planning of state visits by President Obama to Muslim countries, because the very act of protecting him would be sinful for Islamic security guards."
So Barack Obama couldn't even travel to Muslim countries, ladies and gentlemen, because the Muslims would have to saw his head off, and governments in the Islamic world couldn't host his visit or protect him.

So here's a list (scroll down) of the imperiled Muslim apostate Senator Barack Obama's foreign visits. Click on the link and see for yourself where he's managed to travel in the last couple of years.

Facts suck, don't they?

Anyway, my theory is that they actually got him, and his head has been severed from his body -- but they did it, like, really subtly, the way Zorro used to chop candles apart with his sword but they took a few seconds to fall apart. So watch for Barack Obama's head to fall off, which should be quite a spectacle. Any day now.

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More Comments:

Jeff Vanke - 5/14/2008

Maybe we're talking past each other here. I don't know Luttwak or his agenda. In stating certain theoretical outcomes, Luttwak surely overstates them. But he seems pretty close to the mark on the theological dictates behind them, and not implausible in the possible consequences.

(I agree that a murderous avenger of so-called Muslim apostasy is likely to be just as murderously inclined against any American president, making Luttwak's emphasis of that point effectively moot. That does not, however, negate his other points.)

In practical reality, yes, Senator Obama's past travels seem unimpeded by his theoretical apostasy. But *that* fact does not disprove what Luttwak presents as Islamic facts, as opposed to what he presents as possible consequences of those facts.