Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

May 14, 2008

More Noted Things

Felipe Fernandez-Armesto,"Cabeza de Vaca: The holy conquistador," TLS, 7 May, reviews Andrés Reséndez's A Land So Strange: The epic journey of Cabeza de Vaca.

Ian Bostridge,"Classical music's twentieth-century tragedy," TLS, 30 April, reviews Alex Ross's The Rest is Noise.

John G. Turner,"Perfect," Books & Culture, May/June, reviews Randall Stephens's The Fire Spreads, Holiness and Pentecostalism in the American South; and Arlene M. Sánchez-Walsh,"Cult of Personality," B&C, May/June, reviews Matthew Avery Sutton's Aimee Semple McPherson and the Resurrection of Christian America.

Ten days ago, I noted Sean L. Malloy's reproduction at his site of 10 photographs of human victims of the bombing of Hiroshima. Having taken his word for it, I have to report that he's had second thoughts and has removed the photographs. He's also had to notify the publisher of his book.

Carlin Romano,"Israeli History at 60," CHE, 16 May, looks back over a contentious history. Hat tip.

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