Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday Notes

May 15, 2008

Thursday Notes

Military History Carnival #14 is up at Gavin Robinson's Investigations of a Dog.

Jennifer Howard,"Measuring the 'Aeneid' on a Human Scale," CHE, 16 May, looks at classicist Sarah Ruden's English translation of the Latin* epic – the first translation by a woman.
*Thanks to Mark Field for the correction!

John Carey reviews Philip Ball's Universe of Stone: Chartres Cathedral and the Triumph of the Medieval Mind for the London Times, 11 May.

Raymond Geuss,"Richard Rorty at Princeton: Personal Recollections," Arion, Winter, looks back with appreciation.

Finally, The nomination of Nebraska historian Scott Kleeb to the United States Senate was little noticed in national political reports this week. A Yale Ph. D., Kleeb wrote a prize-winning dissertation and has won acclaim as a teacher. Since returning to Nebraska, he has taught at Hastings College and narrowly lost a long-shot bid for a congressional seat two years ago. [I am less enthusiastic about Clayton Cramer's race for the Idaho state senate. Don't get me started!] Thanks to Daniel Larison for the tip.

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Mark E. Field - 5/15/2008

The Aeneid is Greek? No wonder I had such trouble with it in my Latin class.