Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Jun 2, 2008

Things Noted Here and There

Adam Hochschild,"Practicing History without a License," Historically Speaking, April/May, provokes responses from over a dozen prominent historians.

Elisabetta Povoledo,"Michelangelo for Readers With Deep Pockets," NYT, 31 May, previews a book for people with more money than love of either Michelangelo or of books. Nonetheless, the photographs and website links are interesting.

Matt Taibbi,"Jesus Made Me Puke," Rolling Stone, 1 May, reports on Taibbi's experience at John Hagee's Cornerstone megachurch in the Texas hill country. It should be read in conjunction with Matthew Sutton's"McCain's Ministers of Doom," HNN, 2 June. Hat tip.

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