Blogs > Cliopatria > Another Shot Across Yesteryear's Bow

Jun 23, 2008

Another Shot Across Yesteryear's Bow

Mild Colonial Boy, Esq., describes himself thusly:
He is a Reactionary Queenslander, a Fervent Monarchist, an Anglophile, a Pessimist, a Sectarian Protestant (Lutheran), an Anti-Egalitarian Elitist, a Traditional Conservative, a Modern-day Luddite, an Intolerant Prig, a Terrible Snob and, on occasion, a Pompous Oaf with the unfortunate habit of speaking about himself in the third person.

His blog, The Boy's Own Paper, is proudly dated Saturday, April 11, 1891, and declares this intention:

... this Journal will contain Intemperate tirades against Godlessness, Popery, Mohammadism, Ecumenicalism, Heresy, Sodomy, Fornication, Immorality, Foreign Riff-Raff, Vulgar Oafishness, a Regnant Commonwealth Government, Daylight Savings, Treasonous Balderdash, Multiculturalism, Republicanism, Radicalism, Feminism and the Monstrous Regiment of Drunken, Swearing, and Tattooed Women, and other Blights on Western Civilization.

It is no surprise, then, that Mercurius Rusticus recommends Mild Colonial Boy, Esq.'s rendition of more recent developments in the gender war:"Don't Know Much About History," The Boy's Own Paper, 22 June. A more constructive approach to the current situation can be found in"‘Women's History': Post the first," Notes of a Neophyte, 21 June.

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