Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday's Notes

Jun 26, 2008

Thursday's Notes

A. S. Byatt,"Twisted yarns," Guardian, 21 June, reviews"The Fabric of Myth," an exhibit at Compton Verney, Warwickshire.

Simon Winchester reviews John Hatcher's The Black Death: A Personal History for the NY Sun, 25 June. Hat tip.

Christopher Benfey,"Why Implausibility Sells: The Strange Quest to Write History in the Absence of Evidence," Slate, 23 June, reviews Miles Harvey's Painter in a Savage Land: The Strange Saga of the First European Artist in North America, a biography of the French Huguenot painter, Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues.

Emory's Michael A. Elliott,"The patriots who killed Custer," LA Times, 25 June, suggests that the record of native American patriotism shines a different light on the Little Bighorn massacre. See also: Ari Kelman,"Greasy Grass," The Edge of the American West, 25 June. Hat tip.

Alex Wright,"The Web Time Forgot," NYT, 17 June, revisits Paul Otlet's early vision of an internet, the Mundaneum. Hat tip.

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