Blogs > Cliopatria > Week of June 30, 2008

Jul 1, 2008

Week of June 30, 2008

  • USA Today Headline

    Stocks off $2.1 trillion this year: Biggest June loss since Depression

  • TPM Cafe (blog) reader

    Continues to boggle my mind what a difference 4 years can make to the conservatives.

    1996: Bob Dole is a war hero! Clinton is a draft dodger! WORSHIP THE WAR HERO!

    2000: Forget the war! Ignore the potential Vietnam-era AWOL-ness of our candidate, and his complete lack of foreign policy knowledge! He's got integrity!

    2004: So what your candidate actually fought and was injured in the same war during which our candidate was so very much NOT AWOL! We mock his service and question the legitimacy of his injuries! Have a purple band-aid to wear at our convention!

    2008: Only a certified war hero can lead this country! WORSHIP THE WAR HERO!

  • Jack Rakove on the SCOTUS gun ruling

    But alas, there is no High Court of Historical Review in which judicial statements about the evidence of history get to be challenged.

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