Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Jul 9, 2008

More Noted Things

Anthony Grafton and Robert B. Townsend,"Historians' Rocky Job Market," CHE, 11 July, puts the current"job market" for historians in historical perspective. It is essential reading. Elsewhere, Stan Katz comments on the article.

Kate Sekules,"An American in China," NYT, 6 July, reviews Michael Meyers's The Last Days of Old Beijing: Life in the Vanishing Backstreets of a City Transformed.

Adam Kirsch,"A Man for All Seasons," NY Sun, 9 July, reviews Richard Reeves's John Stuart Mill: Victorian Firebrand; and Eric Ormsby,"Man and His Maker," NY Sun, 9 July, reviews a new English translation of Franz Kafka's Letter to my Father.

Richard Dorment,"Wyndham Lewis: a monster -and a master of portrait painting," Telegraph, 7 July, reviews"Wyndham Lewis," an exhibit at London's National Portrait Gallery.

Tim Burke's"If the Juggernaut Ran Into Thor's Hammer…," Easily Distracted, 7 July, Kip Manley's"Always Already," Long Story, Short Pier, 7 July, and Lawrence La Riviere White,"What I Don't Know About Comics," The Valve, 8 July, are their contributions to The Valve's symposium on Douglas Wolk's Reading Comics: How Graphic Novels Work and What They Mean. There will be contributions by others in the next few days.

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