Blogs > Cliopatria > Then and Now

Jul 16, 2008

Then and Now

Carnivalesque Logo XLI, an ancient/medieval edition of the festival, goes up at Xoom on 20 July. Send nominations of the best in ancient and medieval history blogging since 18 May to meg*dot*worley*at*pomona*dot*edu or use the form.

Mary Beard previews"The Hadrian Show at the British Museum," A Don's Life, 14 July.

Charlotte Higgins,"The Suspicions of Mr Whicher wins Samuel Johnson prize," Guardian, 15 July, announces the award of Great Britain's major prize in non-fiction. In"Russian Revelations," Guardian, 14 July, Guy Dammann interviews Orlando Figes, whose The Whisperers: Private Life under Stalin's Russia was a nominee for the award.

Sandra Tsing Loh,"I Choose My Choice!" Atlantic, July/August, reviews Linda R. Hirshman's Get to Work... And Get a Life, Before It's Too Late and Neil Gilbert's A Mother's Work: How Feminism, the Market and Policy Shape Family Life.

Michiko Kakutani,"Dispatches From Capitalist China," NYT, 15 July, reviews Philip P. Pan's Out of Mao's Shadow.

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